Mercedes Lackey Book Reviews - Four and Twenty Blackbirds

Four and Twenty Blackbirds

Based in the world of Lark and Wren, there is a rash of mysterious murders. The victims are all young women, and all the murders are committed with strange, three edged daggers. When a local Constable begins to see a patern emerging and tries to follow the case, his superiors order him not to. He is confused by this, and against orders, continues to investigate the murders in his spare time. One of the murders is commited right under his nose, but it was the last one in the city. The constable's superiors find out about his private investigations and he is fired. So, acting on a suspicion found in records of deaths in distant cities, the constable travels to the recently burned city of Kingsford where he continues his investigations with the help of one of the Haspur and in the employ of High Priest Ardiss. His discoveries there are substantial, but you'll have to read the book to find out what they are.

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