Mercedes Lackey Book Reviews - Mage Storms![]() Storm Warning Karsite and Valdemar are at peace, the Heralds and Karsite priests and priestesses working together for the first time in centuries. A young Karsite priest named karal and his mentor, Ulrich, are sent to Valdemar by the Son of the Sun herself as ambasadors from Karse. And then the mage storms start. Huge waves of magic from centuries before, the same force that created the huge crater known as the Dhorshia plains where the thriving flatland of ka'venusho had once stood, has returned. The magic id returning to its point of origion, Urtho's tower, at the center of the Plains. When two waves intersect, they affect the physical, mutating anything and everything within the circle created by the intersecting waves, disrupting all magic throughout the land and decomating all the lands who depend on magic to survive, like the Empire. ![]() Storm Rising Having found a temporary solution to the problem of the mage storms, all the Heralds, Herald-Mages, Mages, Artificers and Priests are working frantically to find a solution that won't disolve when the storms get too strong. Generald Tremane of the Empire and his most trusted advisor and teacher, Sejanes, make an aliance with Valdemar after being cut off from the Empire when the mage storms began, and now are bringing a fresh outlook to dealing with the problem of the mage storms, or at least a foreign one. ![]() Storm Breaking Firesong, An'desha, Karal and the Shin'a'in hanve bought everyone more time by setting off one of Urtho's devices and channeling the energy leaking into the physical plain back to the magical plain, and counteracting the waves of magic returning to Urtho's tower. But now, the final wave, equal and opposite in force to the origional explosions of Urtho and Ma'ar's Towers, is returning to its point of origion. To stop it, a blast of equal force must be set off from the very center of Urtho's Tower. But the origional blast melted the stone of the tower and created the Dhorshia plains, a crator of vast circumfrance and depth. How will anyone survive the blast? And who with the talent to set off the blast would be willing to sacrifice their lives? Return to the Wall Disclaimer: All the material on this page is copyright (c) of Mercedes Lackey. The backgound is copyright (c) of Sorsha. If you wish to use it, ask me. DO NOT COPY THIS MATERIAL without the permission of the artist/author. |