The Glass Wall [Mercedes Lackey Books - Velgarth]
As you walk through the portal you feel a slight drop and your vision hazes over. When again you can see clearly you are still in a forest, but this forest has a different quality about it. After you have had a moment to look around you hear the disembodied voice again.
:Welcome to Velgarth. Here is a list of time periods in this land. Chose one to be told about that period in time.:
You approach the glass wall the voice is coming from and see the list it is talking about. You reach up and chose one..
Return to the Portal
Disclaimer: All material on this page is copyright (c) of Mercedes Lackey. The background is copyright of Sorsha. If you would like to use it, e-mail me and ask. DO NOT COPY ANY OF THIS MATERIAL without consent from this artist and/or author.