Mercedes Lackey Book Reviews - Mage Wars

The Mage Wars

The Black Gryphon

A wonderful book by a wonderful author. The Black Gryphon, Skandranon is sent on a mission by his creator, Urtho, and comes back battered and bruised, with a mysterious weapon that nobody knows anything about except for Urtho himselfand the enemy. And then Ma'ar, an evil mage bent on ruling the world, with his thousands of mercenaries and makaar, a mutant breed of gryphons created by Ma'ar to destroy Urtho's children, the gryphons, through his network of spies, gains a lethal advantage on Urtho. A book full of romance, suspense, heroism and sacrafice.

The White Gryphon

The sequal to The Black Gryphon, The White Gryphon is about the trials Skandranon and Amberdrake go through while trying to secure peace for their nerw home. They face a madman with friends in high places bent on revenge, and people set against change having to somehow fit the newcomers into their lives and a muder scandal. A must-read book.

The Silver Gryphon

The Silvers; a group formed as a police force in the city of White Gryphon. Tadrath; the Black, now White Gryphon's son, a member of the Silvers recently promoted to a rank high enough to man one of the outposts that are one of the key defense stratagies of White Gryphon. Silverblade; Amberdrake and Winterheart's only child and Tadrath's partner in the Silvers.
Tadrath and Silverblade are sent on a mission to man one of the far reaches outposts in the land shared by White Gryphon and their Haighlei allies, when their magical carry-basket filled with all of their supplies and Silverblade, suddenly looses its magically induced lightness, pulling Tadrath from the sky and dropping the pair in unexplored wilderness still filled with magical mutations from the destruction of Urtho's Tower. All their magical equipment, including their only means of communication with the distant city of White Gryphon, no longer work. But worst of all, they are being stalked. And in the dark of the tropical rainforest into which they crashed and cannot escape is a nameless terror which not even their fathers could envision existed.

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